Expat Fun: Funky Foreign Femmes

by Miss Footloose

Happy MannequinIf you’ve taken careful notes, you will know that Miss Footloose, in her expat travels around the world, has developed a mania for mannequins. Not just any mannequins, mind you; she likes the ones with creepy personalities, the haughty types pretending to have class, the ones showing a bit of whimsy, and even the fake sisters clearly displaying a freaky mental imbalance.

Camera in hand, she hunts down these babes in the flea markets and shop windows of the world. This obsession may not show off her intelligence and high-mindedness to good effect, but so it goes. We cannot all be politicians, can we?

So, for your entertainment, here are a few (more) chicks in her mannequin collection.


How about this classy French madame? You gotta love the bald head, the blingy skirt, the pearls, the sexy décolleté. And would you believe, she even has…

 Mannequin with BrainsBrains!



Mannequin WaitingWhen I first spotted her from a distance, sitting there on a bench, I thought this femme fatale was real flesh and blood, but no. Just as well, since she doesn’t seem to be wearing much under her coat.

Mannequin Charmer

Don’t you love this charmer? Wouldn’t you just want to take her home?

Warning: Don’t look at the next one if you’re of a prude disposition, have high moral values, or if you’re American. (Sorry, I could not resist.)

Mannequin Stripper

This manic maid was found stripping for all to see right out in the open in a big antique market in the south of France. Even children saw her!

Take a deep breath. Try to calm your nerves. Let’s go to England:

Mannequin Jane Austen

Surely this prim and proper lady will slow down your galloping heart. Captured with the camera in Bath, England, where else.

Mannequin Kissing

In France even some of the mannequins love to “faire la bise” and you will recognize this sweetheart as being a kissing cousin of the laughing one at the very top of the post. An entire tribe of this style of mannequins wanders around the world and they’re great fun to find. One rather freaky one was spotted in China by one of Miss Footloose’s bloggy friends.

Mannequin Bathing in Soap

Here’s a bathing beauty in a soap shop, fragrant, if not comfortable. Notice how her breasts are strategically hidden by plastic soap foam. One trusts she’s not trying to seduce passers-by to do anything but buy a bar of soap.

This is it for now. But if you haven’t got your fill yet of looking at funky ladies, here are more in the collection:

Weird, Broken, and Headless

Window Shopping in Rome

* * *

Have a funky collection or hobby yourself? Do tell! Any interesting mannequin tales? Please share! Scroll down and hit that comment button.

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I have never noticed any weird mannequins, but I’ll be on the lookout for them now!

Sara aka Sally

I do love your mania for these strange folk.. your best ever photo was the collection of very suspicious, scary looking men in a window display, was it in Moldavia or Bulgaria? They were certainly related to some very heavy duty mobsters and were absolutely wonderful!
You could sit one in the driver’s seat in a car with darkened windows.. I doubt if a Traffic Warden would be brave enough to even approach the car, let alone give you a parking ticket!
Keep hunting these weird folk out for us.. such innocent fun!

I’d buy your book with mannequins from all over the world, I would!

I will look and send to you as soon as I finish all this writing work!

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